India-China Trade: Intra-Industry trade.. What does data show?

Traditional theory, H-O trade theory suggests that the country should export the labor-intensive commodity id labor is the abundant factor and if capital is abundant then should export the capital-intensive commodity. But this is now less relevant as the countries are exporting the same product which is imported by the same country. Let’s examine the China India trade pattern. The following table shows the Chinese export to India (top 15 in million dollars) Data source – Export Import Data Bank, Department of Commerce Top 15 Chinese export mainly consists of Electrical machinery and equipment, Nuclear reactor and parts, organic chemical, plastics, light weighted vehicles and parts, optical, mineral fuels, fertilizers, inorganic chemical etc. The most of these products are labor intensive (except nuclear reactor and parts). The following table shows the Indian export to China (top 15 in million dollars) Data source – Export Import Data Bank, Department...