When Marx talks with me....
Marx, yesterday someone asked me one question. I am asking you the same question – Do you really think that you are still relevant? Why do you think I am not relevant today? Vivek, tell me, is capital still being accumulated? Yes… Thomas Piketty found that the rate of return on capital (r) > growth of the economy (g). It means capital is still accumulated. Figure no. 1 Above figure shows that the pure rate of return to capital (after tax and capital losses) r is below the growth rate of world output g for the only period of 1913 to 2012. Now r is greater than g. This itself shows that the capitalist can still accumulate the capital as the rate of return on capital is higher than the economic growth. Okay what do you think, is profit falling? Ummm. This I am not sure but it’s very difficult to comment in one word. Few sectors are experiencing fall in profit and few sectors are growing. But yes if the mon...