Malnutrition puzzle

It is a well-noted fact that India has a severe problem of malnutrition. This malnutrition is not limited to economically backward states. Rich states like Maharashtra, and Gujarat are also suffering from malnutrition. Global Malnutrition Report 2021 does highlight the fact that India has not made any progress in tackling childhood wasting. Around 17% of Indian children under 5 years of age are suffering from childhood wasting (Wasting is referred to low weight for height). As far as stunting is concerned, over 34% of children under 5 years of age are still suffering from childhood stunting (Stunting is referred to low height for age). So despite having impressive growth, we couldn't solve the malnutrition issue. I found a good article in Indian Express ( where the author compares Indian states with sub-African countries. Despite having higher per capita income, Indian states have a higher lev...