Central bank and Interest rate: Antediluvian?????
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dual impact on inflation, causing both deflationary and inflationary pressures globally. Lockdowns initially led to a decline in demand, causing deflationary pressure. However, as countries lifted restrictions, demand increased but supply chains were disrupted, leading to supply-side inflationary pressure. But response to that inflationary pressure was traditional: increase the interest rate. Central bank across many countries increases the interest rate to tackle the inflation. The given monetary policy response to supply driven inflation is questionable. It is questionable as it can further disrupt the supply side, making banks uncomfortable and resulting in unchanged inflation rates with volatile financial institutions. This is exemplified by the Fed's interest rate increase. In the context of India, with inflationary pressures and global monetary policy tightening, coordination between monetary and fiscal policies will be essential for sustainabl...